I believe the key to winning at this game called 'Life' lies first and foremost in trusting God. You must first listen to Him, then take action and be fearless.
NICOLE, Describe Your 9-to-5. Or As My Nana Would Would Ask: “How do you put food on the table, baby?: "My 9-to-5 is more like 24/7. Don't get it twisted, I definitely take time for myself, but the nature of the Comms/PR game is to be on-all most of the time. I'm up early between 4:30a and 5:00a to hit the cycle studio (Shout out to Cycled!) or cardio kickboxing. From there, I come home and do my devotional/journal hour (this is very important - I highly recommend it, especially for women) and then I start my day. "
Is NICOLE A Hustla' Or Enjoying A Guilty Pleasure?: "Well, I turned my side-hustle into my main hustle. I started Elocin Enterprises LLC while working on Capitol Hill. The Hill opened a lot of doors for me and was my Comms/PR training ground, but after 12 years it became draining and was no longer challenging. I left The Hill in May of 2013 and ultimately decided to make Elocin Enterprises my full-time gig. "
How Does NICOLE 'Play The Game' And Not 'Hate The Playa'?: "Hating the playa” takes soooo much energy. That's energy that you could be putting toward your own projects and goals, so why bother? True playas know that God has a plan for all of us and if you are sticking to God's plan for YOU, everything else will fall into place - family, love, resources, opportunities, etc. You won't have to worry about what someone else is doing because you'll be too busy fulfilling God's plan for you. Also, you'll be able to celebrate the accomplishments of others instead of attempting to tear them down.
I believe the key to winning at this game called "Life" lies first and foremost in trusting God. You must first listen to Him, then take action and be fearless. This doesn't mean you won't fail - that's part of the process too - but you will begin to live a more fulfilling life.."
This #SpelmanBlackGirlBrilliance Right Here: “I've had many professional accomplishments that I could list but I'm most proud of the work I've been able to do for Spelman College since graduating.
Spelman gave so much to me that I feel called to served my beloved alma mater in any way I can. I've been active in the National Alumnae Association of Spelman College (NAASC) since I graduated, serving in various capacities including Past President of the Washington DC Metro Chapter and Northeast Regional Secretary. Additionally, I've worked with the College to host Spelman Days on The Hill here in Washington D.C. - a program geared toward Spelmanites interested in careers in and around politics.”
NICOLE's Next Target Conquest: “I have quite a few conquests in the pipeline. My health and wellness is a continuous journey. I'm heavy into my exercise regimen and am eating healthier. I continue to work to build my business [check out www.elocinenterprisesllc.com :-))] and my brand. Since the start of 2017 I've tried to read a book a week. I'm trying to up my Passport game (ed. note: Nicole and friends travelled to Morocco at the end of 2017). And I adopted puppy, Remy Faith Williams! #PuppyPower #MiniSchnauzerLove!! Last, but certainly not least, I'm always trying to live my best life and be my best self!”
It's The Apocalypse. You Have Access to ONE News Source. While Not Perfect...: “VSB. I've been a fan since reading their book, "Your Degrees Won't Keep You Warm at Night" (If you haven't read it, pick it up). Their writing is smart, witty, and timely. They always have a unique take on issues that, for me, disrupt the monotony of everyday news. They also provide space for new and fresh voices, giving writers of color much needed opportunities.”
Is NICOLE's 'Go To' Bottomless Brunch or Happy Hour Tapas?: “Hmmm. I would have to go with brunch because tapas are just a tease. If you are trying to have a real "Happy" hour you need some REAL food. Brunch always provides colorful conversation and of course MIMOSAS (hopefully bottomless)!!! Plus, BACON. So brunch wins! Where? Here in D.C. you can't sling a dead cat on Sunday without hitting a brunch spot. If someone wants to give me some endorsement checks (wink) then I'll name drop your brunch spot.”