The spontaneity of the job keeps me on my toes. I get to do something different every day which keeps things fresh and interesting.
TAYLOR, Working 9a to 5p: "Being in the consulting industry, my 9-5 differs daily. The work day is dependent on my client and whether I’m staffed or unstaffed (“on the bench”). The time of the year is also a factor. The spontaneity of the job keeps me on my toes. I have the opportunity to do something different every day and this keeps my day fresh. Interesting."
Guilty Pleasure Or Side Hustle?: "My guilty pleasure is binge watching T.V. shows and reading blogs that help me hone my decorating skills. I create different Pinterest boards for every room in the house. At times my consulting job means I work long nights. So on Friday nights and all day on Saturday I love decompressing with HGTV shows. My favorites are Love It or List It and Fixer Upper."
Discipline? I've Got It!: "A personal accomplishment since graduating from Spelman is beginning a workout regimen and sticking to it! In college I had a super fast metabolism. I could eat anything! As soon as I stepped foot outside our alma mater's gates, I instantly gained 40 pounds. After joining Orange Theory fitness, I make it a point to go at least 4 times a week. I love it!”
TAYLOR's Next Conquest Puts The World In Her Sights: "Next up for me is more domestic and international traveling. I plan to do more this year and document it with photos. Growing up I loved taking pictures. My parents bought me a professional camera for Christmas. I intend to learn how to use it and share my travel adventures."
Miss Me With Tha Playa Hatin'.: "I often remember the advice my dad gave to me years ago: make people feel comfortable. Everyday I strive to go out of my way to smile and compliment others. It doesn't cost you anything to be nice :)" The Apocalypse Happened And I Have Just One News Source?: Of the options Taylor was provided she “would choose Jet. I grew up looking at my Grandma’s Jet subscriptions. It gives a quick snapshot of what was going on in Black America.” Bottomless Brunch or Happy Hour Tapas?: "I am a Happy Hour Tapas girl! I've never liked breakfast food. It's like brunch is limited to the weekends. My favorite place in Charlotte for tapas is Soulgastrolounge. Catch me there every Friday night. I’m usually indulging in a Queen Charlotte roll, pork-belly taco, and Mojito. The food is amazing!”