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Dr. rhonda waller, C'91

Join me or get out of my way. I've got work to do!

RHONDA, Describe Your 9-to-5. Or As My Nana Would Would Ask: “How do you put food on the table, baby?: "After 20 years in non-profit executive management I decided to make the leap, 5 years ago, to the world of management consulting. I serve as a Senior Associate for The Bizzell Group, a management consulting firm that provides innovative solutions to build healthy, secure, and sustainable communities in our nation and around the world. The Bizzell Group was just recognized as the 3rd Fastest Growing Black-Owned Small Business in the Nation by Inc. Magazine. I am responsible for the firm's maternal, child health, and early childhood initiatives." 

Is RHONDA A Hustla' Or Enjoying A Guilty Pleasure?: "I have both! As a side hustle I am an Adjunct Professor of Psychology and Education at Montgomery College in Maryland. I've served as an adjunct for the past 20 years at community colleges, HBCUs and PWIs. I have watched students grow from naive freshmen to powerful educators, psychologists, and advocates!  

My guilty pleasure is Spelman College. I serve as the Corresponding Secretary of the National Alumnae Association of Spelman College (NAASC) and am responsible for communication from NAASC to the local chapters and alumnae around the world. During my term I created a monthly newsletter, The Journal of Sisterhood, to do that. I wanted a consistent means of communication between the NAASC and its membership, so instead of complaining about it, I created it. Be the solution, not the problem!  

I am the Vice President of the NAASC Decatur, GA chapter and serve as Chairperson for their annual Pamela Bigelow Blue Hat White Gloves Tea.  On campus I serve as a Sister2Sister Mentor, and share my talents with my little sisters in the Granddaughter's Club and the Pre-Alumnae Council.  Spelman College changed my life so it is my honor to serve her every opportunity I get.

How Does RHONDA 'Play The Game' And Not 'Hate The Playa'?: "I have no time for playas or games, I shoot from the hip while staying true to myself.  Join me or get out of my way!  There is too much work to do!"

It's The Apocalypse. You Have Access to ONE News Source. While Not Perfect...: “Awesomely Luvvie, hands down!  The way the world is set up right now, I need my news to have a lot of comedy with a touch of side eye!” 

This #SpelmanBlackGirlBrilliance Right Here: “My greatest accomplishment has been making the legacy of Spelman College available for my daughter Kai (C'2019).  Spelman absolutely changed my life - and continues to do so! As a teenager from Newark, NJ I'd never heard of Spelman College.  The moment I stepped foot on campus for a visit I knew Spelman was where I was supposed to be. My daughter is a rising Junior at Spelman and my cousin Arielle Peterson graduated in 2013. I look forward to many more generations of Spelman women and I tell my "Spelman story" everywhere I go!”

RHONDA's Next Target Conquest: “I am running for re-election as NAASC Corresponding Secretary! I want to be a part of the solution and communication is key to a thriving association. Engaging, empowering, and supporting alumnae at the local level and connecting with current students is key to strengthening the association. We have powerful, creative, intelligent sisters around the world and together WE can make a difference! I am always looking for ways to engage current students. Something as simple as providing "Final Exam Snack Packs" with a positive affirmation hand written by an alumnae to say You Can Do This! are the little things that leave a lasting impression! ” 

Is RHONDA's 'Go To' Bottomless Brunch or Happy Hour Tapas?: “I love a great brunch!  My favorite spot right now for Sunday brunch is Le Petit Marche in Kirkwood ( Great food, great music (weather permitting), and a group of my Spelman sisters is a recipe for a great time.  I am not really a drinker but the bottomless fruit infused water always hits the spot!”

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