I’m still trying to figure out ‘their game’ while running my own plays. There are 83,000 people counting on me to be successful at my job. I don’t have time for racism, sexism, or ageism to hold me back in my quest.

MARCIA, Describe Your 9-to-5. Or As My Nana Would Would Ask: “How do you put food on the table, baby?: "I am the director of Virginia Black Leadership Organizing Collaborative (VA BLOC), a non-profit working in Hampton Roads, Virginia “building empowered communities.” We work in civic engagement, voter engagement, and leadership development. Currently, our main issue areas are Education, Women’s Empowerment, Criminal Justice Reform, Mental Health, and Voting/Elections. In addition, I have the honor of serving the 95th District as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates. I was first elected in November 2015 and was sworn-in in January 2016. I am up for reelection this November for my second term. Also, though not for pay, I currently serve as the Statewide Chair of the Ralph Northam for Governor campaign in Virginia."
How Does MARCIA 'Play The Game' And Not 'Hate The Playa'?: "Honestly, I’m still trying to figure out “their game” while running my own plays. I’m one of two African American women in the Virginia General Assembly under the age of 40. We are learning to play by our own rules and create spaces where our voices matter. The community I represent is bold, beautiful, and resilient but does not look like a lot of the other communities being represented. Our concerns must be voiced and must be fought for in strategic ways. There are 83,000 people counting on me to be successful at my job. I don’t have time for racism, sexism, or ageism to hold me back in my quest."
Is MARCIA A Hustla' Or Enjoying A Guilty Pleasure?: "My absolute guilty pleasure is my ritual. On as many Sunday evenings as I can, I turn off the phones, order in some of my favorite Indian food, put on my pajamas and binge watch the shows I missed the previous week. Don’t ask what shows I watch! :)"
It's The Apocalypse. You Have Access to ONE News Source. While Not Perfect...: “I definitely read especially when my Morehouse brother and lifelong friend Corey Richardson is featured. But mostly, I am a twitter fanatic for news. Also, I’m a daily reader of the VA political news clips from the Virginia Public Access Project.”
This #SpelmanBlackGirlBrilliance Right Here: “Staying committed to the Resistance and Opposition consistently even in the face of daily attacks has been a major accomplishment. Continuing to preach the gospels of love and equity, continuing to give speeches about activism and empowerment to help spark change in my community, continuing to show up in spaces where I’m not wanted but needed, continuing daily to learn and teach, continuing to get out of bed everyday knowing that I have work to do… those are my biggest accomplishments.”
MARCIA's Next Target Conquest: “Right now, we are working hard in Virginia to be creative and innovative in our approach to winning the upcoming elections. Some of the fights we are waging for justice are familiar but we must fight them with new tactics. Supporting candidates that will fight for equity and equality is my biggest goal now. Also, increasing voter turnout in traditionally lower turnout areas is important to me. The role of Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and Delegate are hugely important, especially for the upcoming redistricting we have in Virginia… along with not only stopping 45’s harmful policies, but also fighting to continue progress in our great Commonwealth. To that end, helping give sporadic voters a reason to show up on this next Election Day is a key part of my voter engagement efforts.”
Is MARCIA's 'Go To' Bottomless Brunch or Happy Hour Tapas?: “Bottomless Brunch! Brunch was a sacred time for my friends and me. Our friend Kyle is an amazing chef at a local hotel-based restaurant. Their brunch is amazing. We would all meet up there and between spoonfuls, talk about life, love, school, family, etc. I really miss that. I will be intentional on trying to strike that back up again. There’s nothing like your friends to help you stay encouraged during stressful times.”